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Policy Dialogue
A Polish View on the Energy Union

Thursday, 09 June 2016

Donald Tusk, when Prime Minister of Poland in 2014, called for an “energy union” for the EU with a view to reducing dependency on Russian gas, whilst at the same time making full use of domestic fossil fuels available. Since then, the EU’s holistic approach to the concept has been greeted in Warsaw with mixed reactions. On the one hand, Poland has welcomed the emphasis on injecting more Europe into the external dimension of energy policy. On the other hand, the inclusion of a strong decarbonisation dimension in the Energy Union has given Poland cause for concern, given the importance of coal in the Polish energy mix, which is considered a driver for both security and competitiveness. One year on from the launch of the Energy Union Communication and with a new government in place, this conflicting attitude towards the EU’s objectives seems to be on the rise.

This Policy Dialogue explored the Polish perspective on the EU’s climate and energy agenda, as well as the main points of tension with the EU and other member states. It also explored how the Polish energy mix is expected to evolve in relation to EU policies and the climate agenda, and the likely impact on Poland’s competitiveness, emissions and energy security.

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