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EPC Elections Monitor
After Obama: prospects for transatlantic affairs

Thursday, 10 November 2016

The 2016 presidential elections in the United States marked the most important in decades. The two contenders offered a very stark choice in terms of values and priorities on both the domestic and international front. The electoral campaign has highlighted worrying trends, such as the rise of populist politics and the loss of trust in so-called elites, which resonate on both sides of the Atlantic. Given the centrality of the US to international affairs, the election of Donald Trump carries far-reaching implications for international order and stability. Most of the US Congress was also up for re-election, which will define the political context and margin for manoeuvre of the new administration.

This EPC Elections Monitor assessed the results of the elections and debated their potential consequences for Europe, transatlantic relations and international affairs at large. What will Trump’s overarching foreign policy goals be? What role will the transatlantic partnership play in this context? How will his new administration deal with the conflicts and geopolitical crises surrounding Europe? What priority will be placed on the transatlantic economic agenda, and the transatlantic trade and investment partnership in particular? Will the US and Europe be willing and able to join forces to deal with complex global challenges? The debate addressed these and other central questions for the future of transatlantic relations.

Speakers included: Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre, Ian Lesser, Senior Director, Foreign and Security Policy; Executive Director, Transatlantic Center, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with the United States, Teri Schultz, Freelance US Journalist, Giovanni Grevi, Senior Fellow, European Policy Centre

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