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Policy Dialogue
EU and India: closer partners in global governance?

Monday, 02 November 2015

The global world order is in flux. This presents an opportunity for the EU and India to try and steer changes, and establish cooperation on regional and global issues. At the moment, however, the EU-India strategic partnership is not fulfilling its potential. This might be due to the fact that both entities are still struggling to understand each other and find the right level of cooperation. The EU therefore needs to renew its approach towards India and prioritise translating common values into common interests, to identify sectors and areas where the two sides could work together. The future agenda could cover areas that tied in with Prime Minister Modi’s ambitious social and economic reforms, e.g. in urban renewal and clean energy. There could also be closer cooperation on regional security, e.g. Iran, Afghanistan, as well as cyber and maritime security. And on global issues, such as climate change, sustainable development and development assistance. The conference tried to explore some of these issues.

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