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Policy Dialogue
Educating young people for a digital Europe

Friday, 09 December 2016

While digitalisation has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life of billions around the world, it is accompanied by serious challenges, notably in terms of skills and education. In order to maximise their chances on the labour market of the future, young people need to be prepared for the digital era. In this context, the European Commission has launched the New Skills Agenda for Europe and a series of other initiatives to promote increased digital training and modernise education across the EU. This policy dialogue discussed the role of the EU in promoting a future-proof education system and was based on three questions:

  1. To what extent does the New Skills Agenda show progress in better preparing young people for the digital skills needed in the labour market?
  2. How can Europe prevent the gap between digitally high-skilled and low-skilled workers from carrying over to the new generation?
  3. What is the role of the private sector in equipping young people with the right skills, and how can education providers and companies work better together to co-design curricula?

Speakers included: Claire Dhéret, Senior Policy Analyst at European Policy Centre (EPC), Detlef Eckert, Director for Skills in Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission, Ben Butters, Policy Director at Eurochambres, Allan Päll, Secretary General, European Youth Forum

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