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Policy Dialogue
Forging Synergies ahead of the 2019 European Parliament Elections - Workshop

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

With a bit less than a year to go until the 2019 European Parliament Elections, Connecting Europe invited its project partners from across Europe to Berlin to discuss the main themes and challenges ahead of these elections. A thematic input from Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor at the HEC and co-founder of The Good Lobby, raised the question of how to strengthen the participatory aspects of European politics, how to create a European narrative and how to avoid further polarisation of debate. During the interactive workshop, participants also presented their planned activities ahead of the EP elections and discussed the possible challenges in the context of their work. Looking both at the content level and the operational level, participants then brainstormed potential solutions, highlighting communication, cooperation and social questions as three key focus areas.

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