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Online event
Health and well-being as drivers of societal progress in the COVID-19 era

Tuesday, 09 June 2020


Ana Llena-Nozal
Senior Economist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Caroline Costongs
Director, EuroHealthNet
David Somekh
Network Director, European Health Futures Forum
Gary Gillespie
Chief Economist, Scottish Government


Hans Martens
Senior Adviser, European Policy Centre

Societal progress cannot be measured by macro-economic indicators only. People’s quality of life and well-being are increasingly considered as key determinants in the development of our society and fundamental factors in driving economic growth. Today, people’s health and well-being are being impacted by the COVID-19 crisis at an unprecedented level.

This CHES Policy Dialogue looked into the major implications of the current crisis on people’s well-being and discussed policy responses. The discussion focused on interlinkages between health and societal and economic prosperity and on the impact that the COVID-19 crisis is having on people’s wellbeing. The pandemic has revealed many existing structural problems within health systems and has also exacerbated existing health inequalities in our societies. During the debate, speakers stressed the importance of creating a more inclusive and resilient society, by promoting cohesion and trust, and reducing inequalities.To do so, a comprehensive and cross-sectoral approach based on the narrative of the economy of well-being, is needed.

The discussion also focused on the need to strengthen health systems’ resilience while at the same time investing in health promotion and disease prevention and ensuring affordable and equal access to care for all.

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