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Policy Dialogue
Justice reform in Albania – Laying the groundwork for a consolidated rule of law

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

The EU strategy for the Balkans lays a strong emphasis on criteria such as the rule of law, an independent judiciary, media freedom and efficient public administration as part of the ‘fundamentals first’ approach. This enhanced democratic conditionality applies to all the aspiring Balkan members and is the main benchmark against which their ability to advance towards the EU is assessed.

Albania has stepped up its efforts to consolidate the rule of law by reinforcing judicial integrity and accountability, most notably through the vetting of judges and prosecutors. This process has not only begun to show results, but also has proven to have a transformative effect on other important reform areas, such as the fight against organised crime and corruption, helping Albania to deliver good progress on all five key priorities set by the EU for the country. As a result, this April, the European Commission recommended the opening of accession negotiations with Albania – an avis which is now pending the unanimous approval of EU heads of state and government at the upcoming European Council in June.

What have been Albania’s main achievements in the reform agenda requested by the EU? How does the government plan to tackle remaining challenges and to what extent can European partners help in this regard? How can hesitant member states be persuaded to vote in favour of starting accession talks with Tirana and what consequences might a red light at the June European Council have for the country and for Balkan enlargement more widely?

Speakers included: Corina Stratulat, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre, Etilda Gjonaj, Minister of Justice, Republic of Albania, Michela Matuella, Head of Unit for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, DG NEAR, European Commission, Alexandra Stiglmayer, Senior Policy Analyst and General Secretary, European Stability Initiative.

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