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Policy Dialogue
Russia’s role in the Middle East

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Russia’s historical ties and geographical proximity to countries in the Middle East, as well as its relative economic prosperity and military strength have enabled it to play a key role in the region. This has been seen most recently with its involvement in the Syrian conflict both in a military and diplomatic sense. While the EU and other Western actors have viewed Russia’s approach as escalating an already destructive situation, it is evident that the ongoing conflict will not be resolved without Russia’s involvement.

Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC), chaired this Policy Dialogue with a panel of four experts from Russia and the EU who examined Russia’s role in the Middle East region with particular reference to Syria, both in terms of implications for relations with the EU and whether effective cooperation can lead to a sustainable resolution to the conflict, without the EU making concessions in the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

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