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Policy Dialogue
Scotland, the EU, the Referendum and Reform

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Scotland’s continued membership and contribution to the EU as an independent country was a central theme of the independence referendum debate. The practicalities and opportunities of the Scottish Government’s proposals on Europe were considered in depth by politicians, academics and commentators alike. Following the result of the referendum, and the opening of a new constitutional debate on devolution of further powers promised by unionist parties, the debate now moves into a new arena of how to develop Scotland’s contribution further in Europe, how it will participate in the reform agenda and how to ensure Scotland remains a strong partner in the European project. Added to that, the prospect of a Westminster-led in-out referendum on UK EU membership in 2017 adds a further dimension to the debate said Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Relations, reflecting on the referendum result and the next phase of Scotland’s European journey.

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