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The EU’s climate change adaptation strategy: towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient economy?

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Both climate change adaptation and mitigation policies are needed, but for a long time, discussions at EU and global level have focused a lot on the mitigation side, said Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action.

Europe is not the worst-hit area of the world, but it is clear that parts of Europe are set to experience real trouble in the not-too-distant future, Commissioner Hedegaard warned.

Although adapting to climate change requires a substantial financial outlay, failure to adapt will also cost a lot, she argued, adding that in Europe, climate change comes with the postman (the man who brings the bills).

Hedegaard stressed that the EU is not starting from scratch, pointing out that 13 or 14 member states already have national climate change adaptation plans. Individual cities are taking action too, she said, citing the example of Zaragoza’s water-saving strategy.

Nevertheless, she warned that progress remains slow, and said that much more and better action is needed from both the public and private sectors to integrate climate change adaptation into all decisions.

Hedegaard spoke of the need to mainstream climate change across all EU policies, and particularly to make infrastructure more climate-resilient. Improving access to funding will play a crucial role in successfully implementing adaptation, she said.

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