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The fight against cancer: A cross-cutting strategy to prevent the preventable

Monday, 27 April 2020


Antonella Cardone
Director, European Cancer Patient Coalition
Joachim D'Eugenio
Senior Expert, Directorate Quality of Life, DG Environment, European Commission
Matthias Schuppe
Project Leader, Health determinants and international relations
Rosa Giuliani
Director of Public Policy of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Stephanie Bodenbach
Head of Sector, General food law and nutrition


Hans Martens
Senior Adviser, European Policy Centre

This on-line CHES Policy Dialogue, supported by Johnson & Johnson, looked at how different policies can contribute to the fight against cancer and discussed possible actions in the context of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in Europe. In 2015, it caused the death of some 1.3 million people, accounting for 25% of all deaths in that year. It represents an unmeasurable burden for patients and their families and puts huge strain on national health and social systems while also having an impact on the economy. Prevention and early diagnosis are fundamental pillars of an effective strategy to fight cancer and require a cross-policy effort spanning areas such as environment, digital transformation, food and nutrition.

This Policy Dialogue brought together experts from different policy fields to discuss how food and environmental policies integrate health considerations in the field of cancer prevention. The discussion also touched upon the benefits of digital solutions and artificial intelligence in the field of cancer diagnosis, and reflected on the challenges posed by digitalisation and on ways to make the most out of it without creating or exacerbating inequalities across and within countries.

During the debate speakers stressed the importance of policymakers and stakeholders working together in an integrated approach, the crucial role that health and digital literacy play in the fight against cancer, and the need to better exploit the knowledge and the data that is available.

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