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Policy Dialogue
Transatlantic Challenges: Developing sustainable road transport systems in the EU and the US – Lessons learned and prospects for deeper cooperation

Friday, 15 September 2017

Road transport is an essential component of economic and social life in the EU and the United States (US) and contributes to economic competitiveness. The sector encompasses a wide range of businesses, from car manufacturers to fuel and ICT providers and is an important source of jobs and innovation. At the same time, road transport accounts for the majority of overall transport emissions, representing about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and the US in 2014. It is also the main contributor to air pollution in cities. The Dieselgate scandal, along with rising oil dependence in an unstable international framework and ongoing technological advancements, have provided multiple incentives to rethink the prospects for the sector. Improvements in road transport, including infrastructure, logistics, cars and fuels, would bring significant economic, environmental and health benefits. This Policy Dialogue, kindly supported by the United States Mission to the European Union, invited a panel of stakeholders from the EU and US to discuss the different approaches and developments on both sides of the Atlantic with regards to promoting sustainable road transport, including the EU’s strategy for low emission mobility and the US emission standards, as well as the prospects for increased transatlantic cooperation.

Speakers included: Drew Kodjak, Executive Director of the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), Guus van de Schouw, Policy Analyst at the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission, Julia Poliscanova, Clean Vehicles Manager, Transport and Environment, Patrik Ragnarsson, Senior Automotive & Transport Manager, European Aluminium, Jan Burdinski, Executive Director, Hyundai Moto Company Brussels Office.

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