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What can the German Council Presidency do for post-COVID-19 Europe?

Monday, 13 July 2020


Guy Verhofstadt
Member of the European Parliament
Hardy Ostry
Head of the European Office, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Janis Emmanouilidis
Director of Studies, European Policy Centre
Nicolai von Ondarza
Deputy Head of Europe Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin


Corina Stratulat
Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the European Union (EU) into a new and devastating crisis. Aside from the ongoing health emergency, the Union faces multiple economic, societal, political, geo-economic, as well as geo-political challenges. A lot is thus expected of the German Presidency of the EU, which started on 1 July. How has the crisis reshuffled the priorities of the Union for the coming months and years? Which pre and post-COVID19 policy areas should become the focus of the Presidency? Will Germany be able to inspire European solutions to the current predicament in the spirit of compromise among the member states? How can the Conference on the Future of Europe help to address new and long-standing problems confronting the EU and member states?

This Policy Dialogue will discuss these questions in the framework of a new EPC project on the German Council Presidency and the Future of Europe in the light of COVID-19, which is being run in cooperation with the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and ifok. As part of the project, the views of the Brussels community on these issues are being canvassed in an online survey the results of which will be fed into the German Council Presidency and the agenda of the Conference on the Future of Europe. We hope you will participate in the survey and express your opinion on the key issues that should be addressed by the Presidency and the Conference. The findings will be presented at a high-level event in September to which you will be invited. 

Click here to access the survey.

Make your voice heard by filling in our survey by 24 July and share this invitation with your colleagues in Brussels to help us gather the strongest possible dataset.
The information collected in this survey will be processed on an anonymous basis by EPC’s third-party partner IFOK and will not be used for any purposes other than statistical purposes.

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