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Policy Dialogue
What future for Europe?

Thursday, 30 April 2015

In this policy briefing, Anthony Giddens, Former Director of the London School of Economics, Life Fellow of Kings College Cambridge and Member of the House of Lords set out his views on Europe’s future, drawing on his award winning 2014 book, ‘The EU, Turbulence and the Mighty Continent’ and the book he is currently writing, provisionally titled ‘Off the Edge of History, the World in the 21st Century’. Giddens set out a number of challenges, the foremost amongst them being the changes brought out by the digital technological revolution. He encouraged Europe to be more adventurous and stop being so inward-looking in focusing on EU institutions and regulations, arguing that Europeans needs to develop a more global vision. Threats to the enlightenment model, which has partially led to cosmopolitan overload, he argues, also have to be addressed. According to Giddens the failure of the cyclical growth economy has contributed to structural and societal changes which Europe needs to respond to, with a dynamic and extensive policy agenda. However, if Europe can find adequate responses to the changing world, he believes that it could come out ahead of other regions, which are facing their own challenges.

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