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Policy Dialogue
What role for nuclear in the energy transition?

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Mapping nuclear power in Europe and globally is a geography of rise and decline. On the one hand, nuclear power provides a stable source of baseload electricity without CO2 emissions, and is helping to reach the EU’s emission reduction targets and the ambitions of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C. On the other hand, the prospects for nuclear energy are coloured by security considerations and rising costs related to decommissioning, waste management, and safety standards, which are creating a challenging investment environment and reducing the technology’s appeal for the public and politicians. This Policy Dialogue examined the prospects for nuclear energy in Europe. It explored the role of nuclear power under different energy scenarios, current challenges and its potential interaction with further integration and renewable energy penetration in the European energy system.

Speakers included: Annika Hedberg, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre, Cecilia Tam, Senior Energy Analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA), Diederik Peereboom, Senior Director at Burson-Marsteller, Alain Burtin, Director of the Energy Management programme, Michel Matheu, Head of EU Strategy. Kathrin Glastra, Head of Office of Reinhard Bütikofer MEP.

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