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Policy Dialogue
Will the December Summit safeguard the future of Europe’s defence and security industry?

Wednesday, 04 December 2013

The European defence and security industry is a major source of innovation, growth and capabilities for military operations, but it currently faces a number of considerable economic and strategic challenges. The December European Council might provide a starting point to better reflect on ways to safeguard the future of the sector, while addressing the wider political constraints still affecting European defence, heard participants in this Policy Dialogue. Speakers included: Tarja Jaakkola, Assistant Director and Acting Director, Industry and Market Directorate, European Defence Agency; Slawomir Tokarski, Head of Unit for Defence, Aeronautic and Maritime Industries, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission; Giuseppe Antonio Fortunato, Vice President, Head of Representative Office to the EU and NATO, Finmeccanica Spa; and Daniel Keohane, Senior Researcher and Head of Strategic Affairs, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE). 

On the occasion of this event, the EPC also published the Commentary, ‘Beyond the ‘guns or butter’ dilemma - The December European Council and the future of the European defence industry’.

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