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Economic Policy Forum

This Forum, part of the ‘Well-being 2030’ project, focuses on identifying best practice across the European economic and social models. As part of its work it will draw up policy recommendations on the structural reforms needed to enable Europe’s economies to create continued wealth and prosperity and to maintain a high level of citizens’ well-being in the medium to long-term. 

Demographic change, globalisation and climate change challenge Europe’s ability to sustain and improve its economic and social models. Creating wealth on a sustained and sustainable basis, while at the same time ensuring employment growth, equitable income distribution and the efficient provision of public services such as health, education and social security, will depend upon necessary reforms being introduced by Member States, complemented by action at the European level.

A specific area of investigation will be the quality and efficiency of the public sector, and the financing of public sectors across Europe.  EPF meetings are held quarterly.
This Forum is chaired by Kristina Persson, Senior Adviser, and coordinated by Claire Dhéret, Senior Policy Analyst.

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