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After Merkel: A power vacuum in Europe or a fresh start?


The 2021 German Federal Election is going to be anything but ordinary: Angela Merkel’s departure will reset the country’s political agenda and cause a major shift in Germany’s European policy – no matter who will follow in her footsteps.

What does the end of the Merkel era mean for the EU? Is there a desire to change or continue Germany’s EU policy? What are other member states‘ expectations for the new government’s position on EU priorities such as the COVID-19 recovery, the Green Deal and Europe’s global role?

The project seeks to encourage and contribute to the broader debate on Germany’s role in the Union, both in Brussels and in Berlin. It will do so by collecting several perspectives from European neighbours on the country’s current and future role in the EU and will make an effort to put European issues on the German domestic agenda during the election campaign, as well as in the crucial negotiation phase after.


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Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from the Netherlands
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Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from the Nordics
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Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from Italy
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Former Connecting Europe Project Leader and Senior Policy Analyst
European integration, German and French EU policy, Franco-German relations, EU party politics, democracy, rule of law and civil society

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