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The European Politics and Institutions programme covers the EU’s institutional architecture, governance and policymaking to ensure that it can move forward and respond to the challenges of the 21st century democratically and effectively. It also monitors and analyses political developments at the EU level and in the member states, discussing the key questions of how to involve European citizens in the discussions over the Union’s future and how to win their support for European integration. The programme has a special focus on enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans, questions of EU institutional reform and illiberal trends in European democracies.
Corina Stratulat
Head of European Politics and Institutions programme
The European Migration and Diversity  (EMD) Programme provides independent expertise on European migration and asylum policies. The EMD Programme's analyses seek to contribute to sustainable and responsible policy solutions and are aimed at promoting a positive and constructive dialogue on migration.
The Programme follows the policy debate taking a multidisciplinary approach, examining both the legal and political aspects shaping European migration policies. EMD analysts focus, amongst other topics, on the reform of the Common European Asylum System; the management of the EU’s external borders; cooperation with countries of origin and transit; the integration of beneficiaries of international protection into host societies; the links between migration and populism; the development of resettlement and legal pathways; and the EU's free movement acquis. The EMD team benefits from a strong network of academics, NGO representatives and policymakers, who contribute regularly to publications and policy events.
Alberto-Horst Neidhardt
Head of European Migration and Diversity programme
The EPC's Europe’s Political Economy Programme (EPE) is dedicated to covering topics related to EU economic governance, the single market, industrial and digital policies, and strategic autonomy in a context of deep geo-economic and technological shifts. The Programme has contributed actively to these debates over past years, leveraging its convening power, analysis and multistakeholder taskforce model. EPE analysts pioneered the concept of a ‘wartime economy’ following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the Programme is currently running projects focusing on the EU’s ambitions and the private sector’s capacity to deliver on the “triple” green, digital and economic security transitions. As fast-advancing components of ‘economic security’, digital and emerging technologies, such as quantum, are priority areas of focus. Linked to the changing international context, the Programme also focuses on trade policy, the transatlantic agenda, notably the EU-US Trade and Technology Council, China, and the EU’s close economic partnerships (UK, EEA, Switzerland). The EPE Programme consists of a young and dynamic team, with recent recruitments bolstering analytical capacities linked to economic growth and crises, resilience and recovery, emerging tech and cybersecurity.
Georg Riekeles
Associate Director & Head of Europe's Political Economy programme
The Sustainable Prosperity for Europe (SPfE) Programme explores the foundations and drivers for achieving a sustainable, resilient and competitive European economy.

Prospering within the planetary boundaries requires rethinking our economic model, including our production and consumption patterns, as well as our energy, mobility and food systems. It requires addressing the climate emergency and environmental degradation, as well as becoming smarter with the resources we have. The transition to the world we want must bring both businesses and people along, if it is to succeed.

The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Agenda provide the direction for travel globally and in Europe, and the SPfE Programme engages in a debate on the drivers and the means for achieving our goals. The Programme focuses on areas where working together across the EU can bring significant benefits to the member states, citizens and businesses and can ensure sustainable prosperity within the limits of this planet.
Stefan Sipka
Head of Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme

The Europe in the World (EiW) Programme scrutinises the impact of a changing international system on Europe and probes how the EU and its member states can leverage their untapped potential to advance their interests and values on a regional and global level. It thus examines the EU’s relations with major powers, such as the United States, China, and Russia, and how Europe can contribute to a rules-based global order. Secondly, the Programme focuses on the role of the EU in fostering reform, resilience and stability in neighbouring regions and looks closely at developments in Turkey and Ukraine, among other countries. Thirdly, the Programme examines how the EU can strengthen its security in the face of terrorism, violent extremism, as well as hybrid and cyber threats. It also seeks to advance the debate on Europe’s defence policy.
Almut Möller
Director for European and Global Affairs and head of the Europe in the World programme
The Social Europe and Well-being Programme (SEWB) is dedicated to achieving a stronger Social Europe fit to address the social, environmental, economic and political challenges facing the Union today. It focuses on policies that prioritise strong and resilient healthcare systems; modern and inclusive labour markets; eradicating inequalities; investing in the health and well-being of people; making European welfare states and social protection systems fit for the future.
Elizabeth Kuiper
Associate Director & Head of the Social Europe and Well-being programme
The Transnationalisation Programme (TRA) facilitates a trasnationalised debate on Europe’s key challenges through enhancing collaboration with think tanks and civil society across Europe. European think tanks and civil society play a vital role in connecting debates across borders and strengthening exchanges between decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders. Via its Connecting Europe project, the programme seeks to enhance cooperation with civil society organisations across the EU and wider Europe.
Johannes Greubel
Head of the Transnationalisation programme

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