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All things to All Men - Geopolitics and Competing priorities at the EU’s External Border

Electoral demands to fight ‘illegal migration’ and cross-border crime and to respond to perceived terrorist threats have resulted in the growing politicisation of the external borders of the European Union (EU). As the EU’s approach to border management has become increasingly reactive, it is no longer suited to today’s geopolitics and lacks a clear long-term strategy. A strategy that combines border management and foreign policy is needed to create an effective and stable external border. The project considers how the EU’s border management has changed, what the wider geopolitical implications for the EU will be, and how foreign policy and border management can together best achieve the EU’s objectives.

This project is jointly undertaken by the EPC’s ‘European Migration & Diversity’ and ‘Europe in the World’ programmes. For more information, please contact Katharina Bamberg.


Senior Associate Fellow

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