Around 80% of Europe's land is used for human activities, making it one of the most intensively utilised regions globally. Agriculture and forestry dominate land use. Land is essential for food production, renewable energy (e.g., solar panels and wind turbines), and nature restoration. Increasing competition for land resources raises questions about the best ways to use them. Scaling up digital solutions for optimal land use could help maximise the synergies between the roll-out of renewables, food production, and EU nature restoration efforts, as well as to know which of these three areas should be prioritised.
This Policy Dialogue will look at how digital solutions can help optimise and prioritise land use given competing demands for energy generation, food production and nature restoration. It will also explore how EU policies and investments can best support land management and the uptake of data and digital solutions to achieve this objective. This is the final event as part of the EPC project ‘Resolving the energy-food-nature trilemma in land use: The role of digitalisation and EU policies’. It will focus on key findings and recommendations of a new EPC Discussion Paper which will be published on the same day.
Participation is open to EPC members, media, and EU officials