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Juraj Majcin
Policy Analyst
Juraj Majcin is a Policy Analyst in the Europe in the World Programme. He works mainly on European and transatlantic security and defence cooperation, as well as hybrid threats, disinformation and cybersecurity.

Prior to joining EPC, Juraj led the Peace, Security & Defence at Friends of Europe. He also worked on multiple policy research projects on digital governance and security at the World Economic Forum and Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). As a teaching assistant at the Geneva Graduate Institute, Juraj supervised Capstone research projects on international development and multilateral cooperation.

He has also diplomatic experience thanks to his work for the Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the UN Office in Geneva, representing his country at the Human Rights Council. He holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Geneva and MA/LLM in International Law from the Geneva Graduate Institute. He speaks his native Slovak, English and French, and is a citizen of Slovakia.


Europe in the World


Defence and Security

Areas of expertise

European and transatlantic security and defence cooperation, hybrid threats, disinformation, cybersecurity

Current positions


BA International Relations (University of Geneva)
MA/LLM in International Law Geneva Graduate Institute




Foreign policy / COMMENTARY
After Munich: Europe needs more than strong words
By Juraj Majcin - 18/02/2025
Security & defence / POLICY BRIEF
Quick march! Ten steps for a European defence surge
By Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Maria Martisiute , Juraj Majcin , Paul Taylor , Chris Kremidas-Courtney - 22/01/2025


Disinformation / INTERVIEW
EU Commission Probe in to Russian Disinformation on Meta
Juraj Majcin on the Voice of America Russian Service  on EU Commission  probe into Russian disinformation on Meta's networksk. (In Russian)

09 May 2024 - , Rossiya

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