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AI and the future of work: Linking generative AI with social, economic, and labour market policies

Artificial Intelligence / DISCUSSION PAPER
Tommaso Grossi , Giulia Torchio , Auriane Técourt

Date: 12/03/2024
The rise of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has prompted widespread discussion on its potential to increase productivity while severely affecting labour markets. In Europe, there has been a huge focus on AI’s potential impact on blue and white-collar jobs, knowledge work, and the creative industry. In response, the EU recently approved the AI Act, the first comprehensive regulation related to Artificial Intelligence. This regulation aims to counter the most pressing risks associated with the rise of these new technologies.

The authors of this Discussion Paper illustrate the potential of generative AI to affect blue and white-collar workers by catalysing automation, augmentation, and ‘platformisation’ dynamics. Their research aims to promote a constructive dialogue, tackling generative AI’s impact on the workforce and labour markets from an intersectional perspective. They put forward concrete policy recommendations to ensure a successful and fair uptake of AI in Europe. Specifically, this Discussion Paper outlines the need to:

  • Research further the interplay of structural inequalities and the fair distribution of the benefits brought about by AI.
  • Improve social dialogue ahead of and during the adoption of AI.
  • Encourage employers to invest in inclusive upskilling and reskilling programmes for their employees.

Read the full paper here.
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