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EPC Talks Geopolitics

EPC Talks Geopolitics is a signature initiative launched in March 2021. It aims to bring decisionmakers, practitioners, academics, and thought leaders from all over the world before a global audience for a 45-minute interactive, in-person or online conversation. The series discusses current and long-term issues and explores Europe’s geopolitical outlook, as well as its role in international affairs.


Strategic foresight / OUTLOOK PAPER
Europe in the world in 2023: Learning the language of power?
By Amanda Paul , Andrew Duff , Ivano di Carlo , Shada Islam , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Ricardo Borges de Castro , Iana Maisuradze , Georg Riekeles , Maxime Sierro , Rita Mendonça Barbosa Amorim Lobo , Simon Dekeyrel , Marta Mucznik , Svitlana Taran , Philipp Lausberg , Zeynep Güner , Berta López Domènech - 22/02/2023
Strategic foresight / OUTLOOK PAPER
Europe in the world in 2022: The transatlantic comeback?
By Amanda Paul , Ivano di Carlo , Guillaume Van der Loo , Réka Koleszár , Mihai Sebastian Chihaia , Ricardo Borges de Castro , Iana Maisuradze , Ionela Ciolan , Maxime Sierro - 21/01/2022


Senior Adviser
Deputy Head of Europe in the World Programme and Senior Policy Analyst
Turkey, Ukraine, South Caucasus, security and conflict resolution in the Black Sea, EU foreign policy in its Eastern neighbourhood, Enlargement, counter-violent extremism
Senior Policy Analyst
EU-Asia relations, China's foreign policy, EU and NATO common security and defence policy, ASEAN, Japan
Policy Analyst
European security and defence policies, Middle East political and security issues, EU-Middle East relations, Black Sea security developments, hybrid threats
Policy Analyst
International trade,geoeconomics, security, great power competition, East Asia, Central Asia, and the Indo-Pacific
Junior Policy Analyst
Eastern Partnership, Transatlantic affairs, terrorism & radicalisation

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