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The Green Deal for real

The EPC event series ‘The Green Deal for real’ will invite high-level policymakers, relevant experts and climate activists to discuss how the EU can achieve the goals it set out for itself under the European Green Deal. 

The series aims to promote systems thinking on climate and environmental policy and hopes to raise awareness about the rationale for using the Green Deal as a guiding light in our crisis-riddled times. The series will explore the challenges and the drivers for making the Green Deal ‘real’, including the roles of political leadership, implementation, people, businesses and international collaboration.

The discussions will also consider the implications of the Green Deal for the European economy, society and policymaking. They will build on the recognition that the measures the EU takes today and tomorrow will have direct implications for managing the ongoing environmental crises: the climate and ecological crises as well as the chemical and waste crises. The discussions will consider the barriers that hinder the achievement of the Green Deal and make links to relevant political and policy developments. Specific areas to be considered are food, energy, the mobility system, consumption and production patterns.


Head of Sustainable Prosperity for Europe and Senior Policy Analyst
Circular economy, agriculture and rural development, environmental assessment and public participation
Policy Analyst
EU Internal Energy Market, EU external energy policy, EU-Russia energy relations

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