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Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well-being programme
EU politics (including The Netherlands); social policies and healthcare, the nexus between pharmaceutical policy and economic security, gender- and diversity issues and sustainability.


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Health / PODCAST

Vaccine certificates: Damned if you do, damned if you don't

An EU vaccine passport could help us get back to normal sooner, but at what cost?

Despite lingering disagreement between member states, the Commission will soon present its proposal for an EU vaccine passport. The upcoming 'digital green pass' should make it easier for EU citizens to cross borders in time for the summer holidays.

But not everyone is on board; health experts warn there are still too many unknowns about the effectiveness of the existing vaccines, while others worry about the ethical, social, and privacy implications.

With vaccine certificates becoming a potential ethical, technical and political minefield, the Commission and member state governments will have to think through all possible effects and outcomes: What are the benefits of having an EU vaccine certificate? What are the potential pitfalls? And what could be some of the unforeseen, downstream consequences in the long run?

In this episode, EPC analysts try to answer those questions, covering the health, social, freedom of movement and data privacy dimensions of the debate.

With contributions from Greek Minister of Digital Governance, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, and EPC policy analysts Simona Guagliardo, Alberto-Horst Neidhardt and Andreas Aktoudianakis; and Programme Assistant Helena Hahn.

With Rebecca Castermans , Alberto-Horst Neidhardt , Simona Guagliardo , Andreas Aktoudianakis , Helena Hahn



Mental health at work: Closing the gaps
By Elizabeth Kuiper , Madda Magbity - 10/10/2024
Healing Bytes: Navigating the rewards and risks of smart worlds for health
By Danielle Brady , Giulia Torchio - 08/07/2024
Health / OP-ED
Prioritising health in EU policy for a resilient future
By Danielle Brady - 29/05/2024
Global Health 2.0: Paving the way for the future
By Lieve Fransen , Elizabeth Kuiper , Danielle Brady - 18/03/2024
EU health policy: From reaction to resilience
By Elizabeth Kuiper , Danielle Brady - 12/02/2024
Could the coronavirus change the way we think about health?
By Annika Hedberg - 03/04/2020


Health /
Health is wealth, health is strength

29 June 2016 - European Health Parliament,
European Health Parliament
Sustainability / OP-ED
The corona crisis: A catalyst for climate action?
Annika Hedberg wrote an op-ed for EURACTIVE on how to use corona crisis for greater sustainability. 
Read more here

06 April 2020 - ,

Interview with ARTE
Elizabeth Kuiper was interviewed by ARTE on the European response to the spread of monkeypox. 

You can watch the full report here (in French).

12 August 2022 - ,
ARTE Info Plus
POLITICO's Spotlight
Elizabeth Kuiper participated in the panel discussion 'POLITICO's Spotlight: Chronically underserved – bridging the gap in chronic care'. The discussion focused on the rise of chronic diseases and the inequalities in chronic care. 

Watch the recording here.

09 November 2022 - ,

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