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Climate and Energy Platform

As the necessity to decouple economic growth from a rise in emissions becomes more urgent, it is paramount for the EU to conduct an ambitious climate policy in line with its climate targets and the pledges made in the Paris agreement. In order for the EU to deliver on the Energy Union, in addition to climate action, it needs to tackle the issues around competitiveness and energy security. The European Policy Centre Climate and Energy Platform aims to promote discussion on these issues through multi-stakeholder debate and independent analysis. While evaluating the current policy developments, it makes recommendations for the way forward and reflects on the elements needed to achieve a positive and successful narrative for climate and energy action in Europe that can point to the benefits in reducing global emissions, fighting climate change locally, securing energy supplies, promoting wider socio-economic interests and increasing competitiveness – all at the same time.

The EPC team

The Climate and Energy Platform is an integral part of the EPC's Sustainable Prosperity for Europe and Europe in the World Programmes.

The activities are managed by Annika Hedberg, Head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme and Senior Policy Analyst at the EPC.


Environment / COMMENTARY
US elections and climate action prospects: key takeaways for the EU
By Annika Hedberg , Brooke Moore - 04/12/2024
Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Empowering citizens in Europe’s green transition: The role of digital solutions
By Laura Rayner , Berta López Domènech , Brooke Moore , Eric Maurice - 25/06/2024
Future of Europe / DISCUSSION PAPER
The Green Deal in times of polycrisis: Aligning short-term responses with long-term commitments
By Stefan Sipka , Laura Rayner , Simon Dekeyrel , Philipp Lausberg , Danielle Brady - 29/02/2024
Agriculture / COMMENTARY
From protests to policy: What is the future for EU agriculture in the green transition?
By Stefan Sipka , Marialena Stagianni , Brooke Moore - 14/02/2024
Climate & energy / EPC FLASH ANALYSIS
EU’s renewable hydrogen agenda: Ambition vs reality
By Marialena Stagianni - 24/11/2023
Digitalisation / DISCUSSION PAPER
Digitalisation: An enabler for the clean energy transition
By Simon Dekeyrel , Melanie Fessler - 31/01/2023
Energy / OP-ED
The moral cost of 'social peace' in Germany
By Simon Dekeyrel - 14/04/2022
Climate & energy / DISCUSSION PAPER
A just energy transition: Tapping into a century of ideas
By Thijs Vandenbussche - 30/11/2021
The European Green Deal: How to turn ambition into action
By Annika Hedberg - 04/11/2021
Climate & energy targets / POLICY BRIEF
Is the EU's building renovation wave 'fit for 55'?
By Thijs Vandenbussche - 30/06/2021
Climate & energy / ISSUE PAPER
Nord Stream 2: Rule no more, but still divide
By Marco Giuli - 25/06/2018


Policy Analyst
EU Internal Energy Market, EU external energy policy, EU-Russia energy relations

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