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Schengen under pressure
Marie De Somer made a contribution to the annual report of Myria, the Belgian Federal Migration Centre. In her piece, she analyses the current state of the Schengen Zone, explores flaws and setbacks (old and new) and looks at the impact of COVID-19. 

Read here in French or in Dutch.

02 July 2020 - ,

Schengen / INTERVIEW
Interview with ORF
Helena Hahn was invited to comment on the outcomes of the final European Council summit of the year on Austria’s main television news programmePrior to the EUCO, the Austrian government had vetoed Romania’s and Bulgaria’s bid to join the Schengen area while calling for reinforced EU borders and additional support from the European Commission to stem migrant arrivals. Her contribution focused on the limited effectiveness of border walls and the implications that an expanded Schengen area would have on reducing secondary movements within the EU.

16 December 2022 - ,
ZIB 2 News, ORF
Schengen / INTERVIEW
Schengen Zone: Are border controls making a comeback?
Alberto-Horst Neidhardt gave an interview for Euronews on why certain countries have resumed checks at internal European borders and the implications for Schengen. 

Read the article and watch the report here.

02 October 2023 - ,

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