Connecting Europe is a project at the European Policy Centre funded by Stiftung Mercator. Its objective is twofold: To connect civil society organisations with EU decision-makers and to transnationalise EU policy debates.
Established in 2017, Connecting Europe has grown into a network of 45+ organisations, which includes a broad range of research institutes, NGOs, think tanks, network projects and fellowship programmes working across Europe. The project covers topics relevant to the EU policy community as well as to the partner organisations: rule of law and democracy, climate change, the digital transformation, as well as the future of EU foreign policy.
The team behind the project organises and coordinates a range of joint activities with partners in the network, the EPC, Stiftung Mercator and the broader Brussels policy community, ranging from workshops, roundtables and policy dialogues to joint publications and podcasts.
Through these activities, Connecting Europe encourages an open, constructive dialogue between actors in the member states and EU decision-makers in Brussels, with the aim of enhancing mutual understanding and cohesion. It also aims at improving the links between civil society and EU decision-makers and sustainably increasing civil society’s impact and visibility in Brussels.
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